Disability Housing Outcomes Framework
The Disability Housing Outcomes Framework is a free resource designed by and for stakeholders across the disability sector, with a particular focus on providers of disability housing and in-home supports.

Understand what ‘good’ looks like
Learn how Specialist Disability Accommdation (SDA) and in-home supports (SIL) can facilitate and enhance outcomes

Implement an outcomes-focused approach
Understand the impact of your activities on people and embed feedback loops to drive continuous improvement

Promote consistency
Develop and use a common language to measure and evaluate your activities and impact

Facilitate a learning culture
Grow and share your understanding of what works in your organisation and across the sector to guide future market development
The Disability Housing Outcomes Framework Tool
The Disability Housing Outcomes Framework Tool is now available for use in your organisation.
Following a highly successful pilot with seven SIL and SDA providers across Australia, the Disability Housing Outcomes Framework Tool is now rolling out across the sector. Organisations working in disability housing can now use the tool to regularly survey their tenants or customers, and measure their impact.
The tool combines one of Australia’s only highly accessible survey interfaces with easy-to-use reporting and data analytics. It helps your organisation to measure its impact against the six DHOF outcomes: Daily Living, Health, Relationships and Community, Rights and Voice, Independence, and Stability and Safety. The tool combines practice improvement with measurement of long-term outcomes for providers. Organisations can also compare themselves to industry benchmarks, and build staff capability through membership of the Community of Practice.
About the project
The Framework was developed by SVA Consulting in partnership with leading SDA and SIL providers, people with disability, key sector organisations, representative peak bodies, funders, academics and thought leaders.
The purpose of the project is to enable providers to better understand the drivers of good outcomes for people with disability.
First Nations usage
First Nations people with disability and their families are amongst the most seriously disadvantaged and disempowered members of the Australian community. Understanding and capturing the outcomes they wish to see in their lives is important to ensuring that the barriers to their equal participation in society are removed.
SVA spoke to First Nations people about creating a framework for First Nations people living in SDA. They told us that the best path is for there to be a separate outcomes framework purely for First Nations people with disability, rather than attempting to graft their perspective into the DHOF.
Our vision is thus for two frameworks, one for First Nations people with disability, and one for non-First Nations people with disability (the DHOF). The DHOF does not capture the unique perspective of First Nations people with disability and should not be used to measure their outcomes without taking this into consideration. We cannot create the framework for First Nations people alone – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must lead the process and bring together voices to create the result. If you are interested in supporting us on this journey, please let us know.
Our coalition
To ensure it is meaningful and practical, the Framework has been developed in partnership with people and organisations across the sector including people with disability, representative and industry peak bodies, disability and housing providers, funders, academics, and thought leaders.
Our coalition includes stakeholders from across the disability sector:
Want to learn more?
Get in touch to learn more about the project or how you can use the Framework in your organisation.