Want to know if you are making a difference?

Measure the impact of housing and in-home supports on the lives of people with disability

The Disability Housing Outcomes Framework (DHOF) Tool helps providers of disability housing and support to understand their outcomes through regular surveys of the people in their homes.  

DHOF tool

Built for the sector

The tool has been designed to put people with disability at the centre. Built with extensive input from people with disability and peak bodies, including NSW CID and VALID, it is highly accessible. It integrates features, such as text-to-speech and both Easy Read and Plain Language survey formats. 

Practical to implement

The tool includes the questions, the survey system and the data analysis – a start-to-finish outcomes measurement platform. All participants are asked the same set of core questions, created from extensive evidence and informed by deep consultation with people with disability, to create a common language around outcomes. There are also optional questions to allow you to probe more into outcomes of interest.  

Insights and benchmarks

The tool has built-in dashboards to summarise the results, and automated flags to show where you might need to investigate an issue. In addition, regular benchmarking reports from SVA Consulting allow you to assess your performance against other similar providers, and our Community of Practice builds staff capability and shares learnings from across the sector. 

Housing and support providers in partnership

Client-centred supports mean that individuals may have a different SDA and SIL supporting them. The tool allows for multiple organisations to collaborate on measuring outcomes for an individual, with data sharing and administration built-in. 

How it works

The DHOF tool includes two surveys: a daily living survey, which is focused on short-term outcomes, and a longer-term outcomes survey.

Both surveys draw from the Disability Housing Outcomes Framework that was created in partnership with people with disability, leading SDA and SIL providers, key sector organisations, representative peak bodies, funders, academics and thought leaders. 

  • Surveys are automatically sent out to people with disability, their families and their support workers on a regular basis – every two months for the daily living survey, and every six months for the longer-term survey. Providers can choose to ask the surveys more frequently as needed. 
  • People with disability can fill in the surveys themselves, or be assisted by friends, family or staff to do so. 
  • Provider staff can track progress on dashboards, as well as noting if there are any gaps in the data or people who might need additional support. 

Privacy and ethics

This work has been reviewed and approved by the Bellberry ethics committee. We have strict requirements around privacy and consent to access the tool, and the data storage is highly secure to protect people’s information. 


Access costs are based on the number of people with disability who will be brought into the tool, starting at $3.30 per person per month. Please contact us for more details. 

Our results

Read the results of our pilot, where seven providers trialled the system across Australia.